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Information for Artists

ArtsFest is designed for artists who create and execute original, professional quality work. The ArtsFest Staff and Committee will monitor the show for misrepresentation and to ensure compliance with the rules and standards. Artists will be required to remove all work that is questionable and/or not in compliance. Continued violation of the rules or failure to cooperate with ArtsFest Staff and Committee may result in expulsion from the show and ineligibility for future shows.

All work must be original, handcrafted work. Artists guarantee the accuracy of the description (technique, materials, and process) of the works presented and the authenticity of the work as the creation of their own hands. Co-artists must describe their collaboration. 

An Artist Statement must be provided on application, displayed prominently within each booth, and present during judging.  Materials and processes used must be disclosed in this statement.

Artists may exhibit artwork only in the category/medium in which the work has been accepted.  Acceptance is non-transferable and only the work of accepted artist or collaboration may be displayed.  Work produced by apprentices or employees is unacceptable. Only artists accepted in the Jewelry category may exhibit or sell jewelry; all jewelry regardless of materials must be entered in the Jewelry category.

Original art must occupy at least 50% of the artist's wall space. All artwork on walls must be framed or otherwise professionally hung. All artwork displayed must be for sale.  Browse bins may occupy only minimal space and must be aesthetically pleasing and not obstruct patron flow. Reproductions may not be in the same browse bin as originals.

ABSOLUTELY NO BUY/SELL.  Anyone reported and confirmed as selling anything purchased for resale will be asked to pack up and leave the show immediately. Artwork produced with kits, castings from commercial molds, patterns, plans, or other commercial means is prohibited. No assemblages of commercially produced materials shall be accepted in any category. Additional information may be requested, including photographs documenting materials, process, and methods used to create the work to be shown, and the craftsperson in the process of creating the works presented. 

Artists and collaborating partners MUST be present on-site with their booths open for business during all festival hours. If two names are on the application, both must check in and show a photo I.D. Both should be present for the ENTIRE of the festival.

NO commercial agents, dealers, apprentices, employees, or representatives may attend in place of the artist(s).

Accepted artists may not exhibit in other shows during the dates of ArtsFest.

Displaying ribbons and awards from other shows is not allowed.

Artists who sell their entire body of artwork must remain with their booth for the duration of the show.

ArtsFest will inspect booths on-site, to assure compliance of the Rules, and reserves the exclusive right to interpret and enforce the Rules. In any dispute, the decision of the Executive Director shall prevail. Failure to comply with the rules may result in the artist’s removal from ArtsFest without a refund and the right to exhibit in future events will be jeopardized.

Artists are responsible for procuring and maintaining a General Liability Limit of $1,000,000 including Arts Foundation for Martin County dba MartinArts listed as an additional insured.  A copy of the Certificate of Insurance is required to be received by January 15, 2023.  Artists may not setup or exhibit until the approved Certificate of Insurance is received. 

All artists are responsible for collecting Florida sales tax (currently 6.5%). A tax form will be provided prior to the festival. ArtsFest assumes no responsibility in this matter.

Artists must comply with all health and safety requirements, including guidelines from local health authorities, weighted tents, vehicles parked only in designated areas, etc.

Fine Art Reproduction Policy

Limited edition, signed, and numbered artwork reproductions are allowed (including copies printed on paper, canvas, or metal, etc.) and must be clearly marked. The artist must define “limited edition” in their Artist Information Statement and disclose their reproduction process to buyers. All reproductions must be marked as such. Any intentional misrepresentation of a reproduction sold as an original is forbidden.  

Reproductions are limited to 25% of work shown and must be displayed separately from original works – i.e. reproductions may be displayed in browse bins and/or hung on one wall of the booth. Total number of framed reproductions hung may not exceed the number of original works being shown. Multiple reproductions of the same image may be stored out-of-sight and brought out when one is sold.

Reproductions are not eligible for judging and/or awards.

Artists are prohibited from selling non-original promotional items (i.e., coffee mugs, posters, postcards, note cards, calendars, etc.) during the festival. Calendars, brochures, posters, and other self-promotional materials produced by the artist may be given away but may not be sold.  Cards and postcards that are published by the artist showing the artist’s own original work may be displayed and sold.