Preston Davis
I am autistic and have trouble expressing myself to people by talking to them. Mr. Hessler invited me to join his Creative Writing class. Writing helps me communicate my emotions and thoughts in a better way. I feel like people can understand my work and my personality through my writing. I even think I have gotten to know myself better too. My parents often take me to local markets in Martin County where we love to look at all the creations that people make. We support local artists in the community when we purchase their creations. While on our family vacations, we like to visit and support the local communities by viewing and purchasing items. My favorite place that I visited recently was Tennessee, where my favorite was the art of nature that I could see in the mountains around us. I'm not sure yet how my futur will include the arts. I plan to continue writing stories and expressing myself however and will always appreciate the arts. Preston is a student at Martin County High School.