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Community Resources

Stuart Main Street

Stuart Main Street

Our Vision

Stuart Main Street envisions a vibrant, sustainable Historic Downtown Stuart for residents, businesses and visitors. Embracing the future while preserving the past, the Historic Downtown is a center for community life in Stuart and the larger surrounding community and home to an active spirit of civic pride and entrepreneurship, public and private sector cooperation, and the community’s historical and cultural heritage.

Our Mission

Stuart Main Street uses the Main Street Four Point Approach ® to create and promote a positive downtown experience for residents, businesses, and visitors. Specifically Stuart Main Street works to:

Build community consensus and use resources collaboratively;
Maintain a distinctive appearance in keeping with downtown’s Old Florida charm;
Stabilize the economic environment, strengthening and retaining existing businesses and filling vacancies;
and, Market a positive image of the downtown through advertising, public relations and digital media, and retail and special events.

Phone: 772-286-2848